[Math] Why are fractions with a negative denominator valid


Whenever in a fraction, there is $0$ in the denominator, the fraction becomes $\infty$ or indeterminate. But why do we consider those fractions valid that have some negative numbers in the denominator since those numbers are even smaller than $0$ ?

Best Answer

Firstly, $\frac{p}{0}$ never becomes $\infty$, it is simply undefined.

Now, a fraction $\frac{p}{q}$, with $p,q$ integers and $q\ne 0$, is introduced in order to solve a problem. The problem is to solve the equation $q\cdot x = p$. This solution, even though described with integers alone, does not always have a solution in the integers. So, we extend the integers by introducing solutions to all such equations as long as it makes sense. An example where it does not make sense is the equation $0\cdot x = p$, where $p\ne 0$, since we wish to retain the fact that $0\cdot x=0$. There are some subtleties here, solutions to different equation may lead to essentially that same fraction. This is solved by the familiar equations of the form $\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{4}$ and so on.

Now, fractions with negative denominators simply are solutions for equations of the form $-7\cdot x = 2$ or $-5x=17$. There is no reason to exclude such solutions. In fact, by adjoining all solutions to all equations of the form $qx=p$, where $p,q$ are integers and $q\ne 0$ (and properly identifying fractions that only appear to be different in form) one obtains the field of the rational numbers.