[Math] Why are conjectures about the primes so hard to prove

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I recently started learning number theory, and I've noticed there are many conjectures about the prime numbers that are unproven. Some examples would be whether there are infinite Mersenne, Sophie-Germain, or Fermat primes. There are also problems like the Goldbach conjecture. Yet, primes are defined so simply. Why are they so hard to work with? I am very new to number theory, so I am looking for a simple, intuitive answer.

Best Answer

Here's a brief, vague, and incomplete answer but one that relates to many open problems (and both the Goldbach and Twin Prime conjectures): primality is a multiplicative condition, not an additive one. Understanding how they are distributed in an arithmetic sequence (e.g. in the natural numbers or for use in problems involving prime gaps (roughly what's needed in the above two conjectures)) is attempting to understand how the notion of primality relates to something defined in terms of addition, and there's no obvious way to understand the definition of a prime number in terms of addition.

Edit: I just noticed that this was already mentioned in the comments but may as well leave it here. frogeyedpeas's answer brings up another very good point.

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