[Math] Why are all finite sets recursive


Obviously a finite set for which the members are explicitly given or for which a computable rule is available will be recursive. (By which I mean its characteristic function is computable.)

However, suppose the finite set is such that we don't know where it stops, only that it does stop. Or what about the characteristic function of K restricted to arguments less than n?

Best Answer

Consider the following set: $X=\{0\}$ if the Riemann hypothesis is true, and $X=\{1\}$ otherwise. Then:

  • I can write down a pair of Turing machines $T_0$ and $T_1$, and prove that either $T_0$ computes $X$ or $T_1$ computes $X$.

  • Of course, I can't tell which machine computes $X$ . . .

  • . . . but I don't care: there is one, so $X$ is recursive.

If you understand this example, the case of arbitrary finite sets is no different: we can find a computable sequence of Turing machines $T_{e_i}$ ($i\in\omega$) such that $T_{e_i}$ computes $F_i$, where $\{F_i: i\in\omega\}$ is some enumeration of all finite sets. Then if we know $X$ is finite, we know some $T_{e_i}$ computes $X$. We don't know which . . . but we don't care.

Actually, "we don't care" is putting it a bit strongly. We absolutely do care when we're not looking at just one finite set in a vacuum. For instance, let $K_n=K\cap\{0, . . . , n\}$. Then each $K_n$ is computable, but the $K_n$s are not uniformly computable - there is no computable $f$ such that $T_{f(n)}$ is a Turing machine computing $K_n$. Uniformity issues are indeed a Big Deal. But, if you're just asking whether an individual finite set is computable or not, they don't come up.

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