[Math] Why are abelian groups of interest? What is their usefulness


I am reading about Abelian groups

So apparently it is a set, with an associative binary operation, and identity element, an inverse operation and the binary operation must also be symmetric.

But it is not clear to me how they are useful. Trying to find why they are important it seems they arise as "additive structures" in various systems but this is too abstract for me.

Could someone give some less formal/more practical application or usages showing what is important about abelian groups (layman's terms basically)?

Best Answer

Informally speaking, an abelian group is a place where you can sum. It's the essence of what defines the sum of ordinary 'counting numbers'.

This allows you - after some exposure - to handle very abstract objects with the same familiarity you have for the latter.

As for any abstract definition, it is not going to make sense unless you have some examples at hand. And as for most abstract definitions, the examples came first. Many, many objects come with a binary operation that is associative and commutative (with unit and inverses) so we gave it at name.

Any "number system" $R$ (technically, I mean a ring here) has a notion of sum $+$, and $(R,+)$ is an abelian group. This includes very familiar number systems such as the integers, rational, real and complex numbers.

But is also includes for example matrices over these number systems. In general, product of matrices is known to depend on the order of the factors, but not their sum. Hence, we can sum matrices 'as if they were numbers'.

Another example is the "number system" $\mathbb{Z}_{12}$, which behaves like hours in a clock. You can think of it as the numbers from $1$ to $12$, but here e.g. $11+4 = 3$. It may be uncomfortable to work with this at first, but knowing that $+$ behaves similarly to ordinary numbers helps.

The list goes on, of course, but it becomes more abstract.

Another thing which may be useful to think about is... well, non-abelian groups. As we said before, in general for matrices $A,B$ we have $AB \neq BA$. Things get non-abelian really quickly in real life too: it is not the same to put your jacket on first and then your t-shirt than doing so in the reverse order.

Commutativity is far from a 'given', hence it is important to know when it does hold. It makes some things easier to organize. But as I said before, if you are not convinced that groups are important in the first place then it may not be clear why them being abelian is a thing to care about.