Logic – Why an Inconsistent Formal System Can Prove Everything


I am reading a Set Theory book by Kunen. He presents first-order logic and claims that if a set of sentences in inconsistent, then it proves every possible sentence. Since he does not explicitly specify the inference rules, I became curious as to how fundamental this property of inconsistent systems is.

So my question is what is the simplest proof, with the least use of assumptions, of the vague claim that "inconsistent systems can prove anything" – in particular I'm interested in the assumptions about the system needed to prove this – is it true only for first order logic? Only for first order logic with the "standard" rules of inference (Modus ponens and GEN)? Or is it such a basic truth that it can be proved for every "reasonable" proof system (and what is "reasonable")?

Best Answer

If $T$ is an inconsistent set of first order theorems (or axioms for the proof), then it is possible to prove from $T$ for some $\alpha$ both $\alpha$ and $\neg \alpha$. So without the loss of generality we can assume that $T$ includes $\alpha$ and $\neg\alpha$.

Now suppose that $\beta$ is whatever first order sentence that you want to prove.

  1. $\alpha$ (in $T$)
  2. $\beta \to \alpha$ (easily verified to be true since $\alpha$ is an axiom of $T$)
  3. $\neg \alpha \to \neg \beta$ (Contrapositive Law)
  4. $\neg \alpha$ (axiom of $T$)
  5. $\neg \beta$ (inferred from 3 & 4)
  6. $\neg \beta \to \alpha$ (holds for the same reason in 2, further more we have $\neg\beta$)
  7. $\neg \alpha \to \neg\neg\beta$
  8. $\neg \neg \beta$ (inferred from 4,7)
  9. $\neg \neg \beta \to \beta$ (tautology)
  10. $\beta$ (inferred from 8,9)

So you see, you can prove pretty much anything you want from $\\{\alpha ,\neg\alpha\\}$ for some first order sentence $\alpha$.

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