[Math] Which rule is applied to define the operator precedence for factorial


Please apologize the question, I struggled with finding a good formulation in the first place:

Looking at $\binom{2n}{k}$ it is very clear that for n,k integer and n>k we can solve it by calculating:

$$(2n)!\over k!(2n-k)!$$

$2n!$ is clearly not the same as $(2n)!$ as for $n=3$ we easily see $2\times3\times2\times1 \neq 6\times5\times4\times3\times2\times1$

Which mathematical rule is responsible for this? I mean it is clearly just a substitution, but still I struggle in finding any ruling for this differentiation – probably because it is as basic.

Best Answer

The factorial function $x \mapsto x!$ is by convention written in "postfix" notation, like exponentiation $x \mapsto x^n$. The convention is that these postfix operators have high precedence (i.e., you evaluate them before other operators unless parentheses tell you otherwise): $3x^2$ means $3 (x^2)$ not $(3x)^2$ and $2n!$ means $2(n!)$ not $(2n)!$.