[Math] Which of these two functions grow asymptotically faster


Which of these two functions grow asymptotically faster?



I think the answer should be $2^{\sqrt{\log^{1.9}n}}$. I made an excel spreadsheet with both these functions and the first one goes higher, quicker. Is this a correct way to think about it?

Best Answer

I take the log to be base 2. If it is base $e$ or base 10, then the first function only grows slower.


But if $n>2^{5^{20}}$, then $\log n>5^{20}$, then $\log^{0.05} n>5$, then $\log^{-0.05} n<\frac15$.

Thus the $n^{1/5}$ function will grow faster, but you won't reach the crossing point in your spreadsheet.