Geometry – Embedding (Non-)Euclidean Planes into Non-Euclidean 3-Space


I read the answers to this very interesting question and saw that we can in fact embed the Euclidean plane into hyperbolic 3-space using what is called a horosphere. However, as Hilbert showed us, the reverse is not true; we cannot embed the hyperbolic plane into Euclidean 3-space. This made me interested in considering the other non-Euclidean geometry: elliptic geometry. We can embed the plane from elliptic geometry into Euclidean 3-space – the result is spherical geometry – but:

a) is the reverse true: can we embed the Euclidean plane into elliptic 3-space?

b) Furthermore, is it possible to embed the elliptic plane into hyperbolic 3-space?

c) What about the reverse: can we embed the hyperbolic plane into elliptic 3-space?

Best Answer

Here is the detailed answer to eliminate the confusion. Let $H^n, R^n, S^n$ denote the $n$-dimensional spaces of sectional curvature $-1, 0$ and $1$ respectively. Then the following hold (Items 1 and 2 are immediate, but items 3 and 4 are not):

  1. For every $n$, $S^n$ embeds isometrically in $R^{n+1}$ and $H^{n+1}$ as a metric sphere of certain radius.

  2. $R^n$ isometrically embeds in $H^{n+1}$ as a horosphere.

  3. $H^2$ does not isometrically embed in $R^3$ (Hilbert's theorem). However, $H^2$ does embed (isometrically) in $R^6$.

  4. $R^n$ and $H^n$ do not isometrically embed in $S^k$ for any $n$ and $k$.

David Brander wrote a UPenn thesis in 2003 summarizing the results on isometric embeddings between various constant curvature spaces. See for details (in particular, he explains what happens if one considers other dimensions and other constant curvature values, including embeddings between spaces with the same curvature sign).