[Math] Where Fermat’s last theorem fails

abstract-algebraelementary-number-theoryintegral-domainnumber theoryunique-factorization-domains

It's fairly well known that Fermat's last theorem fails in $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$. Schur discovered this while he was trying to prove the conjecture on $\mathbb{N}$, and the proof is an application of one of his results in Ramsey theory, now known as Schur's theorem.

I'm wondering whether there are any other places (let's say, unique factorisation domains) where the statement is known to be false?

Best Answer

$$(18+17\sqrt2)^3+(18-17\sqrt2)^3=42^3$$ so Fermat fails for $n=3$ in the UFD ${\bf Q}(\sqrt2)$. $$(1+\sqrt{-7})^4+(1-\sqrt{-7})^4=2^4$$ so Fermat fails for $n=4$ in the UFD ${\bf Q}(\sqrt{-7})$.

Looking at a couple more of the imaginary quadratic UFDs:

$(1+\sqrt{-2})^{\color{blue}{3}}+(\sqrt{-2})^{\color{blue}{3}}=(1-\sqrt{-2})^{\color{blue}{3}}$ (failure in ${\bf Q}(\sqrt{-2})$)

$(1+\sqrt{-3})^{\color{blue}{6n+1}}+(1-\sqrt{-3})^{\color{blue}{6n+1}}=2^{\color{blue}{6n+1}}$ (any whole number $n$ at all; failure in ${\bf Q}(\sqrt{-3})$)

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