[Math] Where did the word “logarithm” come from


Where did the word logarithm come from? Any relation to the word algorithm?

Best Answer

There is no relation between the two words.

logarithm: 1610s, Mod.L. logarithmus, coined by Scottish mathematician John Napier (1550-1617), lit. "ratio-number," from Gk. logos "proportion, ratio, word"

algorithm: was derived from the name of 8th century Persian mathematcian al-Kwarizmi.

Note: I think it's unusual for a term to derive from a person's name, especially in mathematics. I know words like "bowdlerize" (meaning to edit by removing offensive material) from Thomas Bowdler, or a "spoonerism" (a phrase constructed by exchanging syllables between words, eg "Swell foop") named after William Spooner, but in math I believe it's quite rare. The now-standard lowercase "abelian" is perhaps another example.

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