Logic – Is Logical Notation a Crutch When Writing Proofs?


I'm near the end of Velleman's How to Prove It, self-studying and learning a lot about proofs. This book teaches you how to express ideas rigorously in logic notation, prove the theorem logically, and then "translate" it back to English for the written proof. I've noticed that because of the way it was taught I have a really hard time even approaching a proof without first expressing everything rigorously in logic statements. Is that a problem? I feel like I should be able to manipulate the concepts correctly enough without having to literally encode everything. Is logic a crutch? Or is it normal to have to do that?

Best Answer

It's perfectly normal. In fact, I think that's how a mathematitian's mind grows.

  • First, you are naive and "intuistic", and you do a lot of "well, of course this is so!" like statements that are not well founded.
  • After you are repeatedly hit over the head with examples where your intuition fails, you take a huge step back. You realize that even simple statements may be wrong, and that you need a rigorous way of proving them. You use strict logic notation to avoid any and all confusion.
  • When you are more and more practiced, you begin to transition back a little. Yes, you still know that every statement has a strict logical form, but you don't write it down anymore. You begin, again, to rely on intuition.

At least, that's how it's worked for me. Mind you, the intuition in the final step is very different than the original intuition. The original one is the brash "d'ah, how can you ever doubt that?!" kind of thing that is embarasingly bad at doing math.

The more developed intuition in step 3 is much different. It has a lot more thought put into it. It's more "yeah, this is so, and I know approximately how I can prove this using strict logic, but since it would take 3 pages, I won't use strict logic."

Sure, the second intuition can also be wrong. And every once in a while, it is. But its performance is way way way way way better than in the beginning, and it also has a fall-back. If all else fails, your final answer is no longer "well, but, but how could it not be true?", the final answer is "oh alright fine, I'll spell it out rigorously!"

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