[Math] When taking subsequent derivatives, why are units squared


$F(t)$ is a rate function measuring widgets per minute, its average rate of change goes to the next level derivative … hence widgets per min$^2$

In related rates, the area is (unit$^2$) and volume is (unit$^3$). I did not think of those as derivatives, but just 2D vs 3D calculations.

Let me think about the standard Distance/Velocity/Acc. relationship.

  • $S(t)$ = distance traveled (in miles), $t$ = hours
  • $S(1)$ = 50 miles.
  • $S(3)$ = 150 miles.

So, Avg. Rate of Change over the interval $[1,3]$ is
$$ \frac{100 \text{ miles}}{2 \text{ hours}} = 50 \frac{\text{miles}}{\text{hour}}.$$
In this case, I have not squared the hours units b/c I started with an amount function (not a rate function)
Units make intuitive sense: "50 miles for every hour."

But, let's say we consider the acceleration function, the derivative of the rate function.

  • $v(1) = 40$
  • $v(3) = 60$

The Avg. Rate of Change of velocity from [1,3] is 20 miles / 2 hours
Is this why the Avg. Rate of Change of velocity should be written as 10 miles/hour^2?

In a nutshell,

  • $S = \text{miles}$
  • $S' = V = \text{miles/hour}$
  • $S'' = V' = A = \text{miles/hour}^2$
  • $S''' = V'' = A' = \text{miles/hour}^3$ ?

I do see the connection b/w the hour units and derivative level of S.
But, is it better to think about this as fractions?

$$S'' = V' = A = \text{miles/hour}^2$$

Does some dimensional analysis thing ever happen?
$$\frac{\text{miles}}{\text{hour}} \times \frac{1}{\text{hour}}
= \frac{\text{miles}}{\text{hour}^2}$$

Here is where I arrived: If you have a rate function, for example "miles/hour". Then you take the rate of change of that? "mile per hour, per hour" or $$\frac{\frac{miles}{hour}}{hour} = miles/hour^2$$. This also plays out in the average rate of change calculation: $$\frac{f(b) – f(a)}{(b-a)} = \frac{(miles/hour – miles/hour)}{(hour – hour )} = \frac{(miles/hour)}{hour} = \frac{miles}{hour^2}$$

Best Answer

The derivative of a function of one variable measures instantaneous rate of change, which has the same units as average rate of change: $$ \frac{dy}{dt} = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta t}. $$ Hence, the units of $\frac{dy}{dt}$ are simply the units of $y$ divided by the units of $t$.

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