General Topology – When Is Convergence Induced by a Topology?


I'm interested in sufficient conditions for a notion of sequential convergence to be induced by a topology. More precisely: Let $V$ be a vector space over $\mathbb{C}$ endowed with a notion $\tau$ of sequential convergence. When is there a topology $\mathcal{O}$ on $V$ that makes $V$ a topological vector space such that "sequences suffice" in $(V,\mathcal{O})$, e.g. $(V,\mathcal{O})$ is first countable, and convergence in $(V,\mathcal{O})$ coincides with $\tau$-convergence? Is the topology $\mathcal{O}$ uniquely determined?

By a notion $\tau$ of sequential convergence on a vector space $V$ I mean a "rule" $\tau$ which assigns to certain sequences $(v_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\subset V$ (which one would call convergent sequences) an element $v\in V$ (a limit of $(v_n)_n$). One could write $v_n\stackrel{\tau}{\to}v$ in this case. This process of "assigning a limit" should satisfy at least that any constant sequence $(v,v,v,…)$ is convergent and is assigned the limit $v$. Also, given a convergent sequence $(v_n)_n$ with limit $v$ any subsequence $(v_{n_k})_k$ should have $v$ as a limit.
I would also like this concept of assigning a limit to be compatible with addition in $V$ and multiplication by a scalar.
Maybe one should include further restrictions. In fact I would like to know which further assumptions on this "limiting process" one has to assume in order to ensure that this limiting procedure corresponds to an actual topology on $V$ which makes $V$ a topological vector space in which a sequence converges if and only if it $\tau$-converges.

Let me give two examples. If we take for instance a topological vector space $(V,\mathcal{O})$ then we have a notion of convergence in $V$ based upon the set $\mathcal{O}$ of open sets of $V$. This notion of convergence clearly satisfies the above assumptions on $\tau$.
If on the other hand we consider $L^\infty([0,1])$ equipped with the notion of pointwise convergence almost everywhere, then there is no topology on $L^\infty([0,1])$ which makes $L^\infty([0,1])$ a TVS in which a sequence converges if and only if it converges pointwise almost everywhere. Still, convergence almost everywhere also satisfies the above assumptions on $\tau$.
So the above assumptions on this concept of convergence are necessary but not sufficient conditions for what I mean by a notion of convergence to correspond to an actual topology. The question is: Which further assumptions do I have to make?

On a less general level I'm particularly interested in the following case: Let $G\subset\mathbb{C}^d$ be a domain, $X$ a (complex) Banach space and let $H^\infty(G;X)$ denote the space of bounded holomorphic functions $f\colon G\to X$. Now consider the following notion $\tau$ of sequential convergence on $H^\infty(G;X)$: We say that a sequence $(f_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\subset H^\infty(G;X)$ $\tau$-converges to $f\in H^\infty(G;X)$ if $\sup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\sup_{z\in G} \|f_n(z)\|_X$ is finite and $f_n(z)$ converges in $X$ to $f(z)$ for every $z\in G$. Is there a topology $\mathcal{O}$ on $H^\infty(G;X)$ such that "sequences suffice" in $(H^\infty(G;X),\mathcal{O})$ and a sequence $(f_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\subset H^\infty(G;X)$ converges w.r.t. the topology $\mathcal{O}$ if and only if it $\tau$-converges? Is this topology $\mathcal{O}$ unique if existent? What if we drop the "sequences suffice"-restriction? Is $(H^\infty,\mathcal{O})$ locally convex? Metrizable? What if we replace $X$ by a more general space like a LCTVS or a Frechet space?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions, ideas or references.

Best Answer

I am addressing only the first part of your question (i.e., nothing with the structure of vector space; only topology and limits of sequences). I will quote here part of Problems 1.7.18-1.7.20 from Engelking's General Topology. (It would be better if you could get the book. I believe it used to be here, but the links don't work now. Perhaps you'll find it in the Internet.)

L*-space is a pair $(X, \lambda)$, where X is a set and $\lambda$ a function (called the limit operator) assigning to some sequences of points of X an element of X (called the limit of the sequence) in such a way that the following conditions are satisfied:

(L1) If $x_i=x$ for $i = 1,2,\dots$, then $\lambda x_i = x$.

(L2) If $\lambda x_i = x$, then $\lambda x' = x$ for every subsequence $x'$ of $x$.

(L3) If a sequence $\{x_i\}$ does not converge to $x$, then it contains a subsequence $\{x_{k_i}\}$ such that no subsequence of $\{x_{k_i}\}$ converges to $x$.

These properties are sufficient to define a closure operator on $X$ (not necessary idempotent).

If $(X,\lambda)$ fulfills and additional condition

(L4) If $\lambda x_i = x$ and $\lambda x^i_j = x_i$ for $i = 1,2,\dots$, then there exist sequences of positive integers $i_1, i_2,\dots$ and $j_1, j_2, \dots$ such that $\lambda x_{j_k}^{i_k} = x$.

L*-space $X$ satisfying (L4) is called an S*-space. The closure operator given by S*-space is idempotent.

Using this closure operator we get a topology, such that the convergence of the sequences is given by $\lambda$. A topology can be obtained from a L*-space (S*-space) if and only if the original space is sequential (Frechet-Urysohn).

References given in Engelking's book are Frechet [1906] and [1918], Urysohn [1926a], Kisynski [i960].

Frechet [1906] Sur quelques points du calcul fonctionnel, Rend, del Circ. Mat. di Palermo 22 (1906), 1-74.

Frechet [1918] Sur la notion de voisinage dans les ensembles abstraits, Bull. Sci. Math. 42 (1918), 138-156.

Kisynski [1960] Convergence du type L, Coll. Math. 7 (1960), 205-211.

Urysohn [1926a] Sur les classes (L) de M. Frechet, Enseign. Math. 25 (1926), 77-83.

NOTE: Some axioms for convergence of sequences are studied in the paper: Mikusinski, P., Axiomatic theory of convergence (Polish), Uniw. Slaski w Katowicach Prace Nauk.-Prace Mat. No. 12 (1982), 13-21. I do not have the original paper, only a paper which cites this one; it seems that the axioms are equivalent to (L1)-(L3) and the uniqueness of limit. (But I do not know, whether some further axioms are studied in this paper.)

EDIT: In Engelking's book (and frequently in general topology) the term Frechet space is used in this sense, not this one. I've edited Frechet to Frechet-Urysohn above, to avoid the confusion.