[Math] When is $2$ a quadratic residue mod $p$

elementary-number-theorynumber theoryquadratic-reciprocityquadratic-residues

For which prime numbers $p$ is $2$ a quadratic residue modulo $p$.

I know that $2$ is a quadratic residue iff
$$2^{\frac{p-1}{2}} =1 \; \bmod \;(p)
$$2^{p-1} =1 \; \mod \; (p).

But I don't know what to do.

Best Answer

Let $s = \frac{p-1}{2}$, and consider the $s$ equations

$$\begin{align} 1&= (-1)(-1) \\ 2&=2(-1)^2 \\ 3&= (-3)(-1)^3 \\ 4&= 4 (-1)^4 \\ & \quad\quad \ldots\\ s&= (\pm s)(-1)^s \end{align}$$

Where the sign is always chosen to have the correct resulting sign.

Now multiply the $s$ equations together. Clearly on the left we have $s!$. On the right, we have a $2,4,6,\dots$ and some negative odd numbers. But note that $2(s) \equiv -1 \mod p$, $2(s-1) \equiv - 3 \mod p$, and so on, so that the negative numbers are the rest of the even numbers mod $p$, but disguised. So the right side contains $s! (2^s)$ (where we intuit this to mean that one two goes to each of the terms of the factorial, to represent the even numbers $\mod p$).

We only have consideration of $(-1)^{1 + 2 + \ldots + s} = (-1)^{s(s+1)/2}$ left.

Putting this all together, we get that $2^s s! \equiv s! (-1)^{s(s+1)/2} \mod p$, or upon cancelling factorials that $2^s \equiv (-1)^{s(s+1)/2}$. And $s(s+1)/2 = (p^2 - 1)/8$, so we really have $2^{(p-1)/2} \equiv (-1)^{(p^2 - 1)/8}$.

So it depends on $p \pmod 8$. [This is probably the involved manipulation of factorial proof that André alludes to].