[Math] When every continuous function on a metric space is also uniformly continuous.


Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space such that every function of $C(M,\mathbb{R})$ is also uniformly continuous.

a) Does this imply $M$ is complete?

My guess is yes. By considering a Cauchy sequence in $M$, then its image will be Cauchy in $\mathbb{R}$, so it will converge, and I guess proving the original sequence converges will be easy.

b) Does M need be compact that a) holds?

My guess is no. Meaning that, if $M$ is uncountable and the metric is such that {x} is also open, then the covering $\cup_x \{x\}$ has no finite subcover.

c) If $M$ has a finite number of isolated points, then M is compact.

This seems harder. Any ideas welcome.

Best Answer

You posted three questions. Here's an answer to the second one. No, $M$ doesn't need to be compact. Consider the space $\ell^2$ with its usual metric. For each $n\in\mathbb N$, let $e_n\in\ell^2$ be the sequence such that its $n$th term is $1$ and all others are $0$. Let$$M=\left\{\frac{e_n}m\,\middle|\,m,n\in\mathbb N\right\}\cup\{0\}.$$ Then every continuous function from $M$ into $\mathbb R$ is uniformly continuous. However, $M$ is not compact. For instance, the sequence $(e_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ has no convergent subsequence.