[Math] When does the conclusion of the Cauchy integral theorem fail


I am interested in a condition when following theorem of Cauchy integral fails:
let $U$ be an open subset of $C$ which is simply connected, let $f : U → C$ be a holomorphic function, and let $\!\,\gamma$ be a rectifiable path in $U$ whose start point is equal to its end point. Then

enter image description here

As I understand, first condition of failing this statement should be that function should not be holomorphic or function that is not complex differentiable in a neighborhood of every point in its domain.also maybe also $U$ subset if it is not connected, then this theorem may fail, what is also other conditions? thanks in advance

Best Answer

The conclusion of a theorem may fail if one of its hypotheses fails. In this case, if either

  1. the domain is not simply-connected, or
  2. the function is not holomorphic, or
  3. the path is not closed

the integral may be nonzero. However, there is nothing that says it has to be nonzero, even if all 1-2-3 fail together. This is what fedja commented on:

If any condition or a set of conditions fail, it doesn't yet mean that the conclusion fails. It is the same as my phrase "If it is raining, I carry an umbrella with me" does not imply that if it is not raining, I don't (maybe it is sunny but I am just carrying the umbrella to a repair shop, or for whatever other reason). Most mathematical theorems are also one way (If ..., then...). When it is a two way theorem, it normally starts with "The following are equivalent:" or some other explicit phrase with the same meaning.

If you are looking for a set of conditions to guarantee that the integral is nonzero, here is one: $f$ is holomorphic except for one simple pole, and $\gamma$ is a simple closed curve that separates the pole from the boundary of the domain of $f$. This is just a consequence of the Residue theorem.

But if the path $\gamma$ is not locally rectifiable, there is no obvious meaning of $\int_\gamma f$ at all. In this case the statement fails simply because we lack a definition of the integral over such path.

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