[Math] When does a dual of a compound proposition equal itself

discrete mathematics

So I am studying computer science and right now I am stuck on a problem.

When does s∗ = s, where s is a compound proposition?

So far the only thing I can come up with is:

s* = s when the compound proposition is composed only of the same propositions. (ex. p ∧ p = p ∨ p)

The book defines duality as:

The dual of a compound proposition that contains only the logical operators ∨, ∧, and ¬ is the compound proposition obtained by replacing each ∨ by ∧, each ∧ by ∨, each T by F, and each F by T. The dual of s is denoted by s∗.
(Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Rosen, 7e)

Any help would be great, this is a tricky one.

Best Answer

I hope this is going to help somebody; I came up with the same solution which is known as idempotent law, plus the others: p ∧ T = p ∨ F (identity law) p∧(p∨q)=p∨(p∧q) (absorption law) (try proving logical equivalences)

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