Algebra – When Do We Get Extraneous Roots


There are only two situations that I am aware of that give rise to extraneous roots, namely, the “square both sides” situation (in order to eliminate a square root symbol), and the “half absolute value expansion” situation (in order to eliminate taking absolute value). An example of the former is $\sqrt{x} = x – 2$, and an example of the latter is $|2x – 1| = 3x + 6$. In the former case, by squaring both sides we get roots of $1$ and $4$, and inspection reveals that $1$ is extraneous. (Of course, squaring both sides is a special case of raising both sides to an positive even power.) In the latter case we expand the equation into the two equations $2x – 1 = 3x + 6$ and $2x – 1 = -(3x + 6)$, getting roots of $-1$ and $-7$, and inspection reveals that $-7$ is extraneous. Now, my question is: Is there any other situation besides these two that gives rise to extraneous roots? -Perhaps something involving trigonometry?

I asked this question some time ago in MO, where I got ground in the dirt like a wet french fry (as Joe Bob would say). So, I’m transferring the question here to MSE. 🙂

edit (1.Jan.2017):
In general, in mathematics and the real world, you get extraneous roots any time you are initially presented with (via some mechanical / automated / canonical process) a superset of the set that you want, and the sifting out of that set from the superset is left to you, for example, when panning for gold, or when reading the owner’s manual for your vehicle: “This owner’s manual covers all models of your vehicle. You may find descriptions of equipment and features that are not on your particular model.”

Best Answer

Suppose you have two expressions $e_1$ and $e_2$ and you know $$e_1 = e_2.$$
Then, if you apply a function to both sides, you have $$f(e_1) = f(e_2).$$ However, this logic in general does not reverse, unless the function $f$ is 1-1. This is the mechanism by which extraneous roots get introduced.

When you square both sides of an equation, you are destroying information about the signs of the two sides. Now, the equality will match if the two sides have the same absolute value. This process can, and often does, introduce spurious roots.