[Math] When do the solutions to the linear system $Ax=b$ form a vector subspace

linear algebrasystems of equations

When do the solutions to the linear system $Ax=b$ form a vector subspace?

A) If and only if $A$ is invertible;
B) if and only if $b=0$;
C) if and only if $A$ is not invertible;
D) if and only if $b\ne0$.

Is the answer b? As homogeneous solution are closed under addition and multiplication.

Best Answer

Yes, almost. The catch that doesn't make the b alternative entirely correct is that if $A$ is not a square matrix then the solutions does not need to be in $\mathbb R^n$. Otherwise it's true:

If $b\ne 0$ you will not have $0$ in the set of solutions which is required in a vector space. If $b=0$ on the other hand you will have that $cx+y$ are solutions to if $x$ and $y$ are solutions.

The other alternatives either prohibits $b=0$ or at least is not equivalent to it.

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