[Math] When can’t a real definite integral be evaluated using contour integration


Some older complex analysis textbooks state that $ \displaystyle \int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-x^{2}} \ dx$ can't be evaluated using contour integration.

But that's now known not to be true, which makes me wonder if you can ever definitively state that a particular real definite integral can't be evaluated using contour integration.

Edit: (t.b.) a famous instance of the above claim is in Watson, Complex Integration and Cauchy's theorem (1914), page 79:

Watson's claim

Best Answer

There are such functions. For example, anything with infinitely many discontinuities. Take the Dirichlet function as an example; it is Lebesgue integrable, but one could not integrate it using the method of residues, which requires that there are only finitely many poles of the function on the real line.

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