Linear Algebra – When Are Minimal and Characteristic Polynomials the Same

characteristic polynomiallinear algebraminimal-polynomials

Assume that we are working over a complex space $W$ of dimension $n$. When would an operator on this space have the same characteristic and minimal polynomial?

I think the easy case is when the operator has $n$ distinct eigenvalues, but what about if it is diagonalizable? Is that sufficient, or can there be cases (with repeated eigvals) when char poly doesn't equal min poly? What are the general conditions when the equality holds? Is it possible to define them without use of determinant? (I am working by Axler and he doesn't like it.)


Best Answer

Theorem. Let $T$ be an operator on the finite dimensional complex vector space $\mathbf{W}$. The characteristic polynomial of $T$ equals the minimal polynomial of $T$ if and only if the dimension of each eigenspace of $T$ is $1$.

Proof. Let the characteristic and minimal polynomial be, respectively, $\chi(t)$ and $\mu(t)$, with $$\begin{align*} \chi(t) &= (t-\lambda_1)^{a_1}\cdots (t-\lambda_k)^{a_k}\\ \mu(t) &= (t-\lambda_1)^{b_1}\cdots (t-\lambda_k)^{b_k}, \end{align*}$$ where $1\leq b_i\leq a_i$ for each $i$. Then $b_i$ is the size of the largest Jordan block associated to $\lambda_i$ in the Jordan canonical form of $T$, and the sum of the sizes of the Jordan blocks associated to $\lambda_i$ is equal to $a_i$. Hence, $b_i=a_i$ if and only if $T$ has a unique Jordan block associated to $\lambda_i$. Since the dimension of $E_{\lambda_i}$ is equal to the number of Jordan blocks associated to $\lambda_i$ in the Jordan canonical form of $T$, it follows that $b_i=a_i$ if and only if $\dim(E_{\lambda_i})=1$. QED

In particular, if the matrix has $n$ distinct eigenvalues, then each eigenvalue has a one-dimensional eigenspace.

Also in particular,

Corollary. Let $T$ be a diagonalizable operator on a finite dimensional vector space $\mathbf{W}$. The characteristic polynomial of $T$ equals the minimal polynomial of $T$ if and only if the number of distinct eigenvalues of $T$ is $\dim(\mathbf{W})$.

Using the Rational Canonical Form instead, we obtain:

Theorem. Let $W$ be a finite dimensional vector space over the field $\mathbf{F}$, and $T$ an operator on $W$. Let $\chi(t)$ be the characteristic polynomial of $T$, and assume that the factorization of $\chi(t)$ into irreducibles over $\mathbf{F}$ is $$\chi(t) = \phi_1(t)^{a_1}\cdots \phi_k(t)^{a_k}.$$ Then the minimal polynomial of $T$ equals the characteristic polynomial of $T$ if and only if $\dim(\mathrm{ker}(\phi_i(T)) = \deg(\phi_i(t))$ for $i=1,\ldots,k$.

Proof. Proceed as above, using the Rational Canonical forms instead. The exponent $b_i$ of $\phi_i(t)$ in the minimal polynomial gives the largest power of $\phi_i(t)$ that has a companion block in the Rational canonical form, and $\frac{1}{d_i}\dim(\mathrm{ker}(\phi_i(T)))$ (where $d_i=\deg(\phi_i)$) is the number of companion blocks. QED