[Math] Whats wrong with this proof of Cayley-Hamilton

linear algebra

There are a handful of longish proofs for Cayley-Hamilton, but I haven't seen one that goes along the following lines. What's wrong in my thinking.

Take a real square matrix $A$, with Jordan decomposition $D=Q^{-1}AQ$. Call the eigenvalues of $A$ (and $D$) $\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\dotsc,\lambda_k$, with respective algebraic multiplicities $n_1,n_2,\dotsc,n_k$. Then $A$ has the characteristic polynomial:
$$\Delta(\lambda):=\det(\lambda I-A)=\prod_i(\lambda-\lambda_i)^{n_i}.$$
$$\Delta(A)= \prod_i(A-\lambda_i)^{n_i}=Q\left(\prod_i(D-\lambda_i)^{n_i}\right)Q^{-1}.$$

The block(s) associated with $\lambda_i$ for the matrix $(D-\lambda_i)^{n_i}$ are nilpotent (for at least $n_i$ if not smaller) so $\prod_i(D-\lambda_i)^{n_i}=\mathbf{0}$ so $\Delta(A)=\mathbf{0}$.

Best Answer

There is nothing wrong with your proof. In fact, this is one of the easiest proofs of this theorem.

However, note that the theorem holds under much weaker assumptions: It is satisfied for every square matrix from $K^{n,n}$, $K$ a field, regardless whether the field $K$ is algebraically closed or not.

If you have Jordan normal form available (or some other normal form), then the proof of Cayley-Hamilton becomes simple. But the way to arrive at the normal form is much longer than an elementary proof of Caley-Hamilton itself, which just uses properties of determinants.

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