[Math] What’s wrong with the Mac Grapher


I hope this question is not that stupid.

$y=x^{\frac{-2}{3}}$ is $y=\frac{1}{\sqrt[3]{x^{2}}} $right?
But when I type $y=x^{\frac{-2}{3}} $and $y=\frac{1}{\sqrt[3]{x^{2}}}$into Mac Grapher,I got different pictures.

Since my reputation is not over 10,I can't post them,but it's very easy to do that.$y=x^{\frac{-2}{3}}$ did not show on negative direction of X-axis,while $y=\frac{1}{\sqrt[3]{x^{2}}}$ showed on all X-axis.

EDIT:Thank you everyone,I can post pictures now
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or more examples

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and in some case they are same

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Here are some polynomial examples. Ther're also equal
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Another set
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And I did some research ,you can see Mac Grapher only show function with integer exponents
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Change 3 to 5
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I could go on,but you get the ideas.

Why did this happen,is there something wrong with my precalculus skill or Mac Grapher?

Update:Some guy in Apple forum said"The functions are not the same. In the first case, you're raising a real number to a fractional power. That's ambiguous for negative arguments, so the program only graphs it for non-negative arguments. In the second case, you're raising a non-negative number to a fractional power."

Best Answer

Integer powers $\ldots,x^{-3},x^{-2},x^{-1},x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3,\ldots$ are always defined, since they can be defined using multiplication and multiplicative inverse (e.g. $x^3 = x \cdot x \cdot x$, $x^{-3} = 1/x^3$). When you extend the definition to rational numbers, the idea is to define $x^{a/b} = \sqrt[b](x^a)$. Yet every non-zero number has $b$ different complex roots! This is a problem since we want the rules of powers to hold. For example, we would like the equation $\sqrt{xy} = \sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}$ to hold. For that, we need a rule for choosing square roots (in general, $b$th roots) which is consistent in the sense that $\sqrt{xy} = \sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}$ is satisfied.

If $x$ is positive then we can always choose $\sqrt[b]{x}$ to be the unique $b$th square root. Otherwise, we run into a problem: there is no consistent way of choosing square roots across the complex plane so that $\sqrt{xy} = \sqrt{x}\sqrt{y}$! Technically, this is because the complex multivalued square root function has a branch point at the origin.

There are two ways to handle this problem. First, we could arbitrarily choose some value for $x^{a/b}$. While this value won't satisfy $(xy)^{a/b} = x^{a/b} y^{a/b}$, it could satisfy $x^{a/b+c/d} = x^{a/b} x^{c/d}$. This is implemented by choosing a branch cut of the complex logarithm function, usually the so-called principal branch. Second, we could just disallow $x^{a/b}$ when $x$ is not a positive number. The latter approach is the one taken by your plotting program.

You can ask, how come my program plots $x^{3/3}$ correctly even for negative $x$? The reason is that the program first simplifies $3/3 = 1$, realizes that $1$ is an integer, and so is able to compute $x^1$ for every value of $x$. In general, when the program encounters $x^y$, it check first whether $y$ is an integer; if so, the computation is always possible. Otherwise, it is possible only if $x$ is positive (or zero).

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