[Math] What’s the smallest number with first digit 1 that triples when this digit is moved to the end


There's this homework question I have, and while I know people generally don't like these, I would like a hint on how to get started please.

A positive integer begins with the digit 1 when written in decimal. When this digit is transferred to the end of the number, the number is tripled. Find the smallest number that has this property.

I know it has something to do with divisibility by 3.
How should I start? Could someone please give an insightful comment that might let me solve it (without feeling like cheating)?

Edit: I suppose that transfer means that 12345 would become 23451…

Best Answer

$x=1\cdot 10^n + t$, with $t < 10^n$

$y=10t+1 \implies y=3x$

$10t+1 = 3 \cdot 10^n + 3t \implies 7t=3 \cdot 10^n-1$

So the question is: what is the smallest $n$ such that $7$ divides $3 \cdot 10^n-1$ ?

Another way to express this is: how long is the period in $3/7$ when expressed in decimal?

This will give you the smallest $x$.