Expected Value of a Lottery Ticket – Calculation


Suppose there's a lottery. Each ticket sold has probability $p$ of winning, and they are all independent of each other. The size of the jackpot is $j$. If there are $n$ winners, each winner gets a payoff of $j/n$ dollars. The total number of tickets sold is $t$.

What is the expected value of a lottery ticket? Also, given that I win, what is the probability that I have to share the jackpot with at least one other person?

PS – I think I know the answer, but have failed to convince someone else, so I'm looking for a third-party to give an answer.

Best Answer

Probability that no one wins: $(1-p)^t$.

Expected value for a particular ticket: $ \dfrac j t (1-(1-p)^t)$. (Pot times probability that the pot is distributed.)

Probability that you win alone: $p(1-p)^{t-1}$

Probability of shared win: $p-p(1-p)^{t-1}$

Probability of sharing given that you win: $\dfrac{\text{prob of shared win}}{\text{prob win}}=\dfrac{p-p(1-p)^{t-1}}p = 1-(1-p)^{t-1}$

This is just one minus the probability of everyone else losing because of independence.