[Math] What’s the difference between the Minkowski difference of $A$ and $B$ and the Minkowski sum of $A$ and $-B$


In the book Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Applications from de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars and schwarzkopf, I read the following in chapter 13.3 on Minkowski sums:

Sometimes $ P \oplus(-R(0,0))$ is referred to as the Minkowski difference of $P$ and $R(0,0)$. Since Minkowski differences are defined differently in the mathematics literature we shall avoid this.

Both $P$ and $R(0,0)$ are polygons, that is: a set of points in $\mathbb R^2$.

Beforehand, the following definitions are made:

For two sets $S_{1,2} \subset \mathbb R^2$, the Minkowski sum is defined as:

$$S_1 \oplus S_2 := \{p+q:p\in S_1, q \in S_2\}$$

For the vectors $p=(p_x,p_y)$ and $q=(q_x,q_y)$, the sum is defined as

$$p+q := (p_x+q_x,p_y+q_y)$$

For a point $p=(p_x,p_y)$, it's defined that

$$-p := (-p_x, -p_y)$$

and for a set $S$ it is defined that

$$-S := \{-p : p \in S\}$$

If not by $A \oplus -B$, how else is a Minkowski difference of the two sets defined? In what cases is that difference important?

Best Answer

This is late but maybe helpful, check out the Wiki page. Basically the idea is that (A - B ) + B = A, so we define

$$A - B = \{ c \in V | c + B \subseteq A \} $$

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