[Math] What’s the difference between biconditional iff and logical equivalence


I am confused about the difference between ↔ (biconditional iff) and ≡ (logical equivalence). For instance, p→q can be rewritten as ∼p∨q. Would it be correct to say p→q↔∼p∨q or p→q≡∼p∨q?

Secondly, is ⇔ another symbol for ≡?

Finally, what's the difference between → and ⇒?

Best Answer

In short, $P \leftrightarrow Q$ is statement that could be either true or false. $P \equiv Q$ means that $P \leftrightarrow Q$ is always a true biconditional (so, $P$ and $Q$ have the same truth value no matter what).

So, one could say that $\neg (P \vee Q) \equiv \neg P \wedge \neg Q$ (DeMorgan's) but you typically wouldn't write $\neg (P \vee Q) \leftrightarrow (\neg P \wedge \neg Q)$.

The arrow $\Rightarrow$ usually is slang for "implies" but different people use it differently. The arrow $\Leftrightarrow$ is usually treated the same way as $\leftrightarrow$.