[Math] What’s the cohomology of disjoint union of two circles


I am computing the cohomology of $T^2$ by Meyer-Vietoris sequence. $T^2$ can be seen as the union of two open sets U and V s.t. U and V are diffeomorphic to a cylinder respectively. Thus U$\cap$V is a disjoint union of two cylinders which is homotopic to a disjoint union of two circles. In order to apply Meyer-Vietoris sequence I need to figure out the cohomology of disjoint union of two circles, but I am stuck on it for a long time, can you give me some ideas? Thank you!

Best Answer

consider the Mayer-Vietoris long exact sequence of $A\cup B$, and you assume that co-homology of empty set is $0$ , this will give you a direct isomorphism $H^n(A\cup B)= H^n(A) \oplus H^n(B)$.

So your answer would be $\mathbb{Z\oplus Z}$.

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