[Math] What’s next for me


I'm in my last year of undergrad, and I would like to do original research for my senior thesis. I am already published in finite group theory and am looking for a new topic to study.

I have taken the graduate algebra sequence at my university, which was primarily galois theory and representation theory. I didn't find Galois theory very interesting (I guess I don't understand the motivation.) Representation theory was cool, but I must admit my intuitive grasp on modules and abstract linear algebra is not yet perfect. I've also taken real and complex analysis, combinatorics, cryptography, number theory, and a lot of physics. I pretty much unilaterally do not enjoy physics or analysis. The others were pretty neat. I performed well in all but the analysis classes.

A few of the topics I've bookmarked which seem interesting, in no particular order: algebraic graph theory, knot theory, noncommutative ring theory, module theory, lie theory, tessellations/tilings, homology, combinatorial game theory, fusion systems, algebraic combinatorics. (I have no idea what background you need for any of these, or whether I would actually like them- they just sounded like possibilities.) Do any of these seem suitable?

Given my interests and background, what would be a good area of math for me to look into next?

An ideal answer would suggest an area of math and include one or more small subtopics which could help inspire me to want to learn that area. For example, "Noncommutative ring theory is the perfect next step for you. You should explore commuting graphs."

To be clear I'm not looking for specific problems like "prove that xxx is true." I am more looking for recommendations which fit my mathematical tastes, contain a few somewhat unstudied topics where I might find some "low hanging apple" research problems, and would be reasonably accessible for someone with my background.

EDIT: To those who think I shouldn't even be asking this question, please let me reiterate what I have said in the comments. First, nobody at my school works in algebra, so I can't just ask a prof. Second, if you believe it would be better for me to study an advanced topic without trying to do original research, please let me reiterate that it is okay if I do not produce original results for the thesis. I can just write an expository paper on what I've been reading. Again, I have already done independent research, so I know from experience that it is a good motivator for me to have a topic to relate everything back to when I am exploring a new subject. An open topic is just a "carrot on a stick" to motivate my study habits. Finally, I am just looking for a bunch of suggestions- I don't have to do any of them if they aren't a good fit. Thanks for reading.

Best Answer

This paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.3202 might be of some interest to you.