[Math] What’s a good reference to study multilinear algebra

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This semester I'm taking a course in linear algebra and now at the end of the course we came to study the tensor product and multilinear algebra in general. I've already studied this theme in the past through Kostrikin's "Linear Algebra and Geometry", but I'm not sure this is enough.

My teacher didn't know what to recommend as textbook for this part of the course and he could just recommend one book that does everything in modules. Now, it's not that I'm not interested in modules, it's just that until today I've never dealt with them, so it's a little confusing to study the tensor product on that book.

In that case, what's a good reference to study multilinear algebra done in vector spaces? Is Kostrikin's book enough, or should I get other book to study this?

Thanks very much in advance!

Best Answer

I recommend Greub's book. It has excellent coverage of the subject and does not cost the gross national product of some small country.

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