[Math] What’s a BETTER way to see the Gauss’s composition law for binary quadratic forms

algebraic-number-theorynumber theoryquadratic-forms

There is a group structure of binary quadratic forms of given discriminant $d$:

Let $[f]=[(a,b,c)], [f']=[(a',b',c')],$ where $d=b^2-4 a c=b'^2-4 a' c'.$

The composition of two binary quadratic forms is defined as:

$$[f] [f']=[(A,B,C)],$$
where $A=a a',$
$0<B<2 a a',B=b \mod 2a,B=b' \mod 2a',B^2=d \mod 4aa',C=(B^2-d)/4 a a'.$

It is not hard to see that binary quadratic forms of discriminant $d$ form a finite abelian group. But how should one interpret the composition law? Why does it have to be this way?

I know that binary quadratic forms are closely related to quadratic number fields. Is there an explination from the pointview of $Q(\sqrt{d})$?

Best Answer

Perhaps the most illuminating way is to transport the class group structure from ideals to primitive binary quadratic forms. Below is a description of the standard maps from section 5.2, p. 225 of Henri Cohen's book $ $ A course in computational algebraic number theory. To me, this is one of the most beautiful examples of transport of structure.

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