[Math] What will be the radius of the common circle formed by intersection of two spheres of radii $r_1$ and $r_2$ that cut orthogonally.

analytic geometryeuclidean-geometrygeometryspheres

Two spheres of radii $r_1$ and $r_2$ intersect each other orthogonally. Prove that the circle formed by the intersection of the two spheres has a radius
$$\frac{r_1 r_2}{\sqrt{r_1^{2} + r_2^{2}}}.$$

Best Answer


See below a section of the spheres, passing through their centers $A$ and $B$. They intersect each other orthogonally if radii $AC$ and $BC$ are perpendicular.

It follows that $ABC$ is a right triangle with legs $r_1$ and $r_2$. And its altitude $CH$ is the radius of the intersection circle.

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