[Math] What “whisker” means in box-and-whisker plot


This is a bit off-topic but I can't help thinking about the reason behind naming box-and-whisker plot.

"Whisker" according to dictionary is "any of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat, mouse, etc." To me it seems very irrelevant. Why the word "whisker" chose for this particular type of plot. Does "whisker" have another mathematical meaning?

Best Answer

cat whiskers

Perhaps it's more evocative if we draw it slightly differently. Think of the single line and horizontal lines as an abstract version of this (Kazimir Malevich would be so proud).

In any case, the further you go in mathematics the lazier mathematicians get in naming things. Shout outs to "admissible", "pseudo / quasi / weak", and the horrors of "normal" and "regular".

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