[Math] What type of object is a differential form


This is a naive question; apologies in advance.
For a point $p \in M$ on a smooth manifold $M$, a differential form can be viewed as
a map
$$T_p M\times \cdots \times T_p M \to \mathbb{R} \;.$$
What puzzles me about this object is that it is not "differential."
Yes, I know, the tangent space $T_p M$ is differential in that it is tangent.
But if $M=\mathbb{R}^n$, then I lose the intuitive sense of tangency, and just
end up with a map from $k$ vectors to $\mathbb{R}$ with certain properties
(the map is multilinear, and alternating).

I seek a way to view differential forms intuitively that somehow emphasizes their differential aspects. Help would be much appreciated—Thanks!

Best Answer

In what one might call naive calculus, for each coordinate $x_i$, the differential $dx_i$ denotes a small (infinitesimal, even) change in $x_i$, so a covector $\sum_i a_i dx_i$ is an infinitesimal change.

On a manifold, coordinates are only local, not global, so we should also imagine that this covector sits at a particular point of $M$. If we want to have a covector varying smoothly at every point, this is a differential one-form.

If $f$ is a function, then the total differential of $f$ is the quantity $$df = \sum_i \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} dx_i, $$ which records how $f$ is changing, at each point.

A tangent vector at a point is a quantity $v = \sum_i a_i \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x_i}$; you should think of this as a vector pointing infinitesimally, based at whatever point we have in mind. You can measure the change of $f$ in the direction $v$ by pairing $df$ with $v$.

Summary: tangent vectors are infinitesimal directions based at a point, while covectors are measures of infinitesimal change. You can see how much of the change is occurring in a particular direction by pairing the covector with the vector.

Now higher degree differential forms are wedge products of $1$-forms. You can think of these as measuring infinitesimal pieces of oriented $p$-dimensional volumes. (Think about how the (oriented) volume of an oriented $p$-dimensional parallelapiped spanned by vectors $v_1,\ldots,v_p$ depends only on $v_1\wedge\cdots\wedge v_p$.)