[Math] What type of input does trigonometric functions take in


I see in my Book that 45 deg is equivalent of π/4 . Ι also do the conversion if I simply convert degrees into radians like this

45* π/180 = π/4 radians

and back again

π/4 * 180/π = 45 deg

So I think that I grasp the Idea finally that π/4 is another way of saying 45 degrees. Now if I use my calculator and I say sin(45) witch I assume that 45 is degrees I get the number 0.7071067812. If I do the calculation sqrt(2)/2 I will get the same number hence sin(45)=sqrt(2)/2 . But when I input sin(π/4) I get the number 0.0137073546. So I say to my self that probably that function does not get that type of input. But then again I see in my book that sin(π/4) = sqrt(2)/2 . So this forces me to ask the question, "What type of input do trigonometric functions take in?" Is the calculator not working properly ?

Excuse me if this looks simple to you but I am so bad in math and the calculator is the only validator I have at the moment and this confuses me allot.

Best Answer

When you use $\sin(45)$ in your calculator, you mean $\sin(45^o)$ (notice the degree symbol).

But when you input $\dfrac{\pi}{4}$, you are still telling your calculator that it's in degrees: $\sin\left(\dfrac{\pi}{4}^o\right)$.

To resolve this, you have to change the mode of your calculator from degrees to radians, and reperform the calculation.