Non-Symmetric Matrices – What Non-Symmetric Matrices Satisfy x^T A x > 0, ? x ? 0

linear algebramatrices

Let $A\in R^{n\times n}$ be a matrix. It is positive definite if and only if $A$ is symmetric and $x^TAx>0,\forall x\in R^n$.

My question is: if $x^TAx>0,\forall x\in R^n$ but $A$ is not symmetric, what does $A$ look like?

I have an example. For a rotation matrix $A$ whose rotation angle is less than 90 degrees, $x^TAx>0,\forall x\in R^n$ but $A$ is not symmetric. Is this the only type of non-symmetric matrices that satisfy $x^TAx>0,\forall x\in R^n$? Can you give any other examples of this kind of matrices? Many thanks.

Best Answer

For the sake of having an answer, here is sos440's answer from the comments.

There is a unique way of decomposing $A$ into the sum of a symmetric matrix $A_{+}$ and an antisymmetric matrix $A_{-}$, namely $A = (A + A^{T})/2 + (A - A^{T})/2$. Then note that $x^{T} A x = x^{T} A_{+} x$. That is, $x^{T} A x$ does not depend on the antisymmetric part $A_{-}$, so the matrix $A$ satisfying $x^{T} A x > 0$ for all $x \neq 0$ is characterized as the sum of a positive definite matrix and an antisymmetric matrix.