What Makes Krylov Subspaces Special – Linear Algebra

linear algebranumerical linear algebra

I am reading through "Numerical Linear Algebra", by Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau. I reached the final chapter about iterative methods. They all share the fact, that they are using Krylov subspaces.

What I understood so far: We are using those subspaces $K_{n}=<b, Ab, AAb, … A^{n-1}b>$ for different problems, e.g. solving systems, that require dimensions much higher than $n$. Usually we first orthonormalize $K_n$, e.g. by using the Arnoldi iteration, so it is more stable. This way, we can save much time and computing-cost, and the solution can converge nicely, even for $n<<m$.

My question is: What makes Krylov spaces in particular so special? Why doesn't it work well (or does it?) for arbitrary other orthonormal bases, that I can expand dimension by dimension, too?

Best Answer

A good way to motivate the use of Krylov subspace methods is the following idea, which is closely related to a derivation of the conjugate gradient method. $\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{\langle #1,#2 \rangle}$

Assume, we have an initial guess $x_0$ for our solution $x$ of the linear system $$ A x = b \,, $$ where $A$ is a symmetric, positive definit matrix. Let us denote the error by $e_0$; $$ e_0 := x - x_0 \,. $$ Furthermore, let the residual $$ r_0 := b - A x_0 \,. $$

We now want to make a correction step of the form $$ x_1 = x_0 + p \,, $$ to improve our approximation, where $p$ is some vector that we still need to determine. The error after the correction $e_1$ is $$ e_1 = x - x_1 = x - (x_0 + p) = e_0 - p \,. $$ We take a look at the $A$-norm of the error; we have that \begin{align*} \| e_0 - p \|_A^2 &= \dotp{A e_0 - A p}{e_0 - p} \\ &= \dotp{A e_0}{e_0} - \dotp{A e_0}{p} - \dotp{A p}{e_0} + \dotp{A p}{p} \\ &= \dotp{A e_0}{e_0} - 2 \dotp{Ae_0}{p} + \dotp{Ap}{p} \\ &= c - 2\dotp{r_0}{p} + \dotp{Ap}{p} \,, \end{align*} where we have used that $A e_0 = r_0$ and where $c$ is some constant independent of $p$. Let us define the function $\phi$ by setting $$ \phi(p) = \dotp{Ap}{p} - 2 \dotp{r_0}{p} + c \,. $$ The function $\phi$ is just the error of $e_1$ in dependence of the correction $p$ measured in the $A$-norm. Hence, we want to choose $p$ such that $\phi(p)$ is small. For this purpose, we compute the gradient of $\phi$.

A small computation which uses the symmetry of $A$ gives that $$ \nabla \phi(p) = 2(Ap - r_0) \,. $$ Recall that the negative of the gradient always points in the direction in which the function decreases the most. At position $x_0$, where $p=0$, we have that $$ \nabla \phi(0) = -2r_0 \,. $$ Thus, the function $\phi$ decreases the most in the direction of the residual $r_0$. This direction, is also called the direction of steepest decent.

For this reason, assume that we choose $p = \alpha_0 r_0$ for some scalar $\alpha$. In the next step, we choose, again, a vector $p$ and add its value to the current iterate. Using the same argument we choose $\alpha_1 r_1$ for some scalar $\alpha_2$. We continue in this manner. Thus, we have that $$ x_{k+1} = x_0 + \alpha_0 r_0 + \alpha_1 r_1 + \cdots + \alpha_k r_k \,, $$ in other words that $$ x_{k+1} \in x_0 + \mbox{span}\{ r_0, r_1, \dots, r_k \} \,. $$

Now, using the relation that $$ r_{k+1} = b - A x_{k+1} = b - A (x_k + \alpha_k r_k) = r_k - \alpha_k A r_k \,, $$ we see that $$ \mbox{span}\{ r_0, r_1, \dots, r_k \} = \mbox{span}\{ r_0, A r_0, \dots, A^{k-1} r_0 \} \,. $$ Hence, a Krylov subspace is the space spanned by the vectors of successive directions of steepest decent.

If you want to read more about a derivation of the conjugate gradient method which uses the above mentioned minimization principle, see An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain by J. R. Shewchuk.

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