[Math] what is the maximum number of faces with n vertex in planar graphs

algebraic-graph-theorygraph theoryplanar-graphs

what is the maximum number of faces with n vertex in planar graphs?

v=number of vertices

f= number of faces

for example if v=3 -> max(f)=2

v=4 -> max(f)=4 (a triangle with a point in inner face of it , connected to the three vertex)

v=6-> max(f)=8

Best Answer

Euler's formula tells you $v-e+f=2\rightarrow f=e+2-v$.

Using your variables a planar graph with $m$ edges and $n$ vertices has $m+2-n$ faces. Also see here for the maximum value for a given $n$ and unrestricted $m$.

For a given $n$ suppose we have a graph which has a face that is not a triangle. Then we can divide that face into two other faces, adding more faces. Therefore the planar graph with the most faces is made up of triangles only.since every triangle has 3 edges and every edge belongs to two triangles we get $3f=2e$ or $e=\frac{3f}{2}$. So $v-\frac{3f}{2}+f=2\rightarrow f=2v-4$

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