[Math] What inequalities should one know to evaluate limits fluently


During the Calculus course, we often used common inequalities to estimate the terms of a sequence and find its limit in the end. The problem is that these inequalities, obvious though they may be, seldom come to mind if you have not used them to solve similar problems at least once. I have listed some of them but I think there are more – what should I add to the list?

  1. Bernoulli's inequality
  2. $n! > 2^n \iff n \ge 4$
  3. $2^n > n^2\iff n \ge5$

Best Answer

$-1\leq \sin(x)\leq 1$, and the same is true for $\cos$

The AM-GM inequality is so popular it has its own tag on this site.

This inequality involving the choose function is pretty commonly used when the choose function or exponential function pop up $$\frac{n^k}{k^k}\leq {n\choose k}\leq\frac{n^k}{k!}\leq \frac{(n\cdot e)^k}{k^k}$$

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