Linear Algebra – What is Standard Basis?

linear algebra

I am confused about the difference between coordinates and basis. My confusion is following:

Let $e_i$ denote the standard basis and $v_i$ denote a non-standard basis of a finite $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. Then $e_i = (\delta_{ij})$ (all entries zero except $i$-th). But: the coordinates of $v_i$ with respect to basis $v_i$ also are $(\delta_{ij})$. Now the definition of standard basis becomes circular: it is supposed to be the basis with vectors $(\delta_{ij})$ but every basis vector has these coordinates with respect to itself.

So what exactly is standard basis?

Best Answer

As other answers have already pointed out, the notion of "standard basis" only applies to the very particular $K$-vector spaces $K^n$, whose elements are $n$-tuples of elements of$~K$ (scalars). I've emphasised "are", because in any $n$-dimension $K$-vector space you can represent vectors by $n$-tuples of scalars (after having chosen an ordered basis; the scalars are the coordinates of these vectors in this basis); however in general a vector and its $n$-tuple of coordinates remain two different things.

You know what the standard basis of $K^n$ is (and it is actually an ordered basis: more than just a set of vectors, it is a list where each basis vector has its own place). The one point I would like to add is mention the property that makes this particular basis stand out among other bases, either of $K^n$ or of other spaces.

Property. Any $v\in K^n$ is equal to the $n$-tuple of coordinates of $v$ with respect to the standard basis of$~K^n$.

Clearly for such a property to hold, it is necessary that such vectors $v$ be $n$-tuples of scalars in the first place, in other words that the vector space in question be $K^n$. Moreover, the coordinates $(c_1,\ldots,c_n)$ of $v$ with respect to an ordered basis $(\mathbf e_1,\ldots,\mathbf e_n)$ are by definition the scalars such that $v=c_1\mathbf e_1+\cdots+c_n\mathbf e_n$ holds; if (with $v\in K^n$) one requires that moreover $v=(c_1,\ldots,c_n)$ as stated in the property, this requires that $$ (c_1,\ldots,c_n)=c_1\mathbf e_1+\cdots+c_n\mathbf e_n. $$ This should hold for all possible values of $c_1,\ldots,c_n\in K$. In particular one can take some $c_i=1$ and all other $c_j$ zero, and this leads to the conclusion that $\mathbf e_i\in K^n$ has to be $(0,\ldots,0,1,0,\ldots,0)$ with the nonzero component at position$~i$; this should be so for every$~i$. Once these cases are checked, all others follow by linearity. So the stated property holds for the standard basis, and also characterises the standard basis of$~K^n$.

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