[Math] What exactly is a “vector-space structure?” (Linear Alg)

linear algebramatrices

I am supplementing my linear algebra book with wikipedia, and I came across an interesting term that isnt mentioned precisely by that name in my textbook.

The full sentence is, "Similarly as in the theory of other algebraic structures, linear algebra studies mappings between vector spaces that preserve the vector-space structure." This section was discussing linear transformation.

My question is, what exactly is a vector-space structure at its most fundamental level and how can I really understand it? I have an okay grasp on the concept of a vector space, however is a structure something that is distinct from a space?

Best Answer

A vector space is defined as a quadruple $(\mathbf{V},\mathbb{K},\oplus,\odot)$ where $\mathbf{V}$ is a set of elements called vectors, $\mathbb{K}$ is a field $(\mathbb{K},+,\cdot)$ , $\oplus$ is a binary operation (called sum) on $\mathbf{V}$ such that $(\mathbf{V},\oplus)$ is an Abelian group and $a\odot\mathbf{v}:\mathbb{K}\times\mathbf{V} \rightarrow \mathbf{V}$ is a scalar multiplication such that, $\forall a,b \in \mathbb{K}$ and $\forall \mathbf{u,v} \in \mathbf{V}$ we have: $$ a\odot(b\odot\mathbf{v})=(a\cdot b)\odot\mathbf{v} $$ $$ 1\odot\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{v} $$ $$ a \odot (\mathbf{u}\oplus\mathbf{v})=a \odot\mathbf{u}\oplus a\odot \mathbf{v} $$ $$ (a+b)\odot \mathbf{v}=a\odot \mathbf{v}\oplus b\odot \mathbf{v} $$ Note that $(+,\cdot)$ are the operations on $\mathbb{K}$ and are different from the operations $(\oplus, \odot)$.

This ''structure'' is a generalization of the $3$ dimensional space of geometry, where the vectors are oriented segments and between them we define an ''addition'', using the parallelogram low, and a ''scalar multiplication'' by a real number.