[Math] What exactly is a “chaotic” sequence

chaos theorysoft-question

In response to this question, I was told that a certain sequence $a_n$ is "chaotic" and "wandering." The particular sequence in question is defined by $a_0 = z, z \in \mathbb{C}$ and $a_{n+1} = {a_0}^{a_n}$, that is, $z, z^z, z^{z^{z}} …$ I was told it is "chaotic" because "you don't know what they do (or what they will do next). They may decide to converge after the 1000000000-th term or go to ∞, for example). Precisely because you don't know (unless you calculate the next terms), you cannot characterize them as either [convergent or divergent]."

To me, this description really makes absolutely no sense. By that logic, it seems to me that every sequence of the form $a_n = f^n(x)$ or even $a_n = f(n)$ is "chaotic" and "wandering." To me this entire notion of a "chaotic" or "wandering" sequence is complete and utter nonsense. How else am I (or anyone else) supposed to know the next values of a sequence unless I explicitly calculate them. I suppose one could approach this by saying that the values do exist, but we are "not allowed" to calculate them. However, this doesn't make much sense: if we are not allowed to calculate the values of a sequence than why should we bother defining the concept at all?

In summary, I am asking about $2$ things: first, what exactly is a "chaotic" sequence? Second, and more important to me, is the sequence $z^{z^{z^{…}}}$ really chaotic?

Best Answer

In summary, I am asking about 2 things:

first, what exactly is a "chaotic" sequence?

The commenters above gave you some definitions you can work with to find the answer to that.

Second, and more important to me, is the sequence $z^{z^{...}}$ really chaotic?

It can be, for certain values $c=z_0$. But no it's not, (generally) for all $c\in\mathbb{C}$.

And of course, now is a good time to check with Daniel Geisler's tetration map (*). This map shows you exactly for which $z=c$ the iterated exponential can be "chaotic": Precisely for those $c$ which are black on the By Period figure.

(*) Geisler's map of tetration is of course equivalent to Corless' map. The two maps satisfy: $\phi(Corless)=Geisler$, with $\phi=\exp(z/\exp(z))$, the potential map of the iterated exponential.

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