[Math] What exactly do we mean when say “linear” combination

linear algebra

I've noticed that the term gets abused alot. For instance, suppose I have

$c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2 = f(x)$…(1)

Eqtn (1) is such what we say "a linear combination of $x_1$ and $x_2$"

In ODE, sometimes when we want to solve a homogeneous 2nd order ODE like $y'' + y' + y = 0$, we find the characteristic eqtn and solve for the roots and put it into whatever form necessary. But in all casses, the solution takes form of $c_1y_1 + c_2y_2 = y(t)$.

The thing is that $y_1$ and $y_2$ itself doesn't even have linear terms, so does it make sense to say $c_1y_1^2 +c_2y_2^2 = f(t)$ is a "quadratic" combination of y_1 and y_2?

Best Answer

You ask "What exactly do we mean when say “linear” combination?"

A linear combination is an expression of the form "(scalar times object ) + (scalar times object) + ... + (scalar times object)".

Of course for such an expression to make sense you need your objects to be amenable to be multiplied by scalars and added: that's why the usual context is a vector space.

And I strongly disagree with "the term gets abused a lot": I have never seen it abused, and I cannot even imagine how it could be abused. It is among the less ambiguous terms in math.

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