Fractals – What Exactly Are Fractals?


I have always been amazed by things like the Mandelbrot set. I share the view of most that it and the Koch snowflake are absolutely beautiful. I decided to get a deeper more mathematical knowledge of this, but sadly Wikipedia hasn't been of much help. I have a few questions to get me started on this then.

  • What does $z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c$ mean? Do we take an initial value of $z_n$ and calculate successive points and go on plotting them on the complex plane?

  • What is its historical significance? I feel that knowing where something came from helps us appreciate it even more. Where did this equation first come from? Why was it required to be studied?

Those are my specific questions for the moment, but considering the fact that I am only trying to learn about fractals, I may not be very well equipped to be asking the right questions, in which case you could tell me anything else you think is worth mentioning.

EDIT: I have one specific concern about the equation. It says that $z$ and $c$ are complex numbers. All very good, apart from the fact that $\mathbb R$ is a subset of $\mathbb C$ so apparently the starting values can be real too. But wouldn't that lead to all points falling on the real line, and leading to a plain old line instead of the Mandelbrot Set that we know? Although I couldn't find any references(hence this question) wouldn't simply defining the initial values to be non-real be a little… arbitrary? I think I might have a wrong idea of what equation actually means then.

Best Answer

First, a distinction should be made: a fractal is one thing, and certain methods for constructing particular fractals are another.

Loosely, a fractal can be described as an object which is self similar at different scales, that is, "zooming in" repeatedly leads to the same curve. An interesting property of fractals which is sometimes used to define them, is that one can assign a non integer dimension to them. For instance, a smooth curve has dimension 1, but a Koch snowflake is in a certain sense closer to being a two dimensional object, and we can assign it a non integer dimension of $\sim1.26$. Intuitively, A Sierpinski carpet is even closer to a 2D object, and indeed we assign it a higher fractal dimension, of $\sim1.89$.

As to Mandelbrot's famous set, the idea is as follows: To check whether or not a (complex valued) point $c$ is in the set, start with $z_0=0$, and iterate. When the series stays bound, $c$ is in the set. When the series diverges, $c$ is not in the set. (try $c=-1,0,1$ for yourself, and see what you get). For instance, is the point $i$, i.e. $(0,1)$ in the Mandelbrot set? $$z_1 = 0^2 + i = i,\quad z_2 = i^2 + i = i - 1,\quad z_3 = (i-1)^2+i= -i$$ $$z_4 = (-i)^2+i = i-1$$ Thus, the point $i$ leads to a bound repeated loop, and is therefore in the Mandelbrot set (i.e. the black area in most drawings).