[Math] What equation will create a 3D rose curve


The parametric equation $x=a\cos(bt)\cos(t)$, $y=a\cos(bt)\sin(t)$ where $a$ & $b$ are constants and $t$ is parameter gives a rose curve which looks like,
enter image description here

On a similar basis, is there a equation that gives a 3D rose curve? The curve would look like the surface formed by rotating each of the "petal" of the rose curve in 360 degrees along the radius vector.(I hope you get what I want to say -;)

Best Answer

This doesn't exactly answer the question, but with $k$, $m$, and $n$ positive integers, the parametric equations \begin{alignat*}{3} x(s, t) &= a\cos(mt) \cos^{k}(ns) &&\cos(t) &&\cos(s), \\ y(s, t) &= a\cos(mt) \cos^{k}(ns) &&\sin(t) &&\cos(s), \\ z(s, t) &= a\cos(mt) \cos^{k}(ns) &&\sin(s) && \end{alignat*} may provide some enjoyable plotting along similar lines.

For example, here's the surface with $m = 4$, $n = 1$, and $k = 8$:

A three-dimensional rose with eight lobes

The underlying idea is to take $\rho = \cos(m\theta)\cos^{k}(n\phi)$ in spherical coordinates $$ (x, y, z) = (\rho\cos\theta \cos\phi, \rho\sin\theta \cos\phi, \rho\sin\phi). $$

You may also enjoy learning about spherical harmonics.

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