Percentages – What Does ‘X% Faster’ Mean


I was reading something today that was talking in terms of 10%, 100% and 1000% faster. I assumed that 10% faster means it takes 10% less time (60 seconds down to 54 seconds).

If that is correct wouldn't 100% faster mean 0 time and 1000% mean traveling back in time?

Best Answer

When I see numbers like that I don't believe they are honest numbers-they really mean "faster", "much faster" and "much much faster". But taking them seriously, if you were traveling 60 mph, 10% faster would be 66 mph (taking 9.09% less time), 100% faster would be 120 mph (taking 50% less time) and 1000% faster would be 660 mph (taking 91.91% less time).

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