Vector Analysis – What Does the Nabla Symbol Indicate?

notationvector analysisvectors

First up, this question differs from the other ones on this site as I would like to know the isolated meaning of nabla if that makes sense. Meanwhile, other questions might ask what it means in relation to something else. This might be a very stupid question; it's hard to tell when I struggle to understand what it indicates, and thus this might seem very idiotic for a person fully knowledgeable about its meaning.

Now from the document How do the $\nabla x$ and $\nabla \cdot$ notations work?:

Enter image description here

Currently I interpret the nabla symbol as a way of turning something into a vector. Is my understanding correct?

Anyway, what is the meaning of it, and why is it used? (Please try and describe it as simple as possible.)

Less important

In case there should exist multiple meanings of this symbol, this is the context:
I stumbled upon this symbol when researching neural networks (C denotes the cost function):

"-∇C(...)= [*this is a vector of weights and biases*]" (source)

Best Answer

We may think of $ \nabla $ as an operator ( del operator ) in the following sense.

It takes a function $f$ and turns it into a vector $\nabla f$ .

$\nabla f= \left\langle \frac {\partial f}{\partial x},\frac {\partial f}{\partial y}, \frac {\partial f}{\partial z} \right\rangle $ is called the gradient vector.

The gradient vector points to the direction at which your function increases most rapidly.

For example if $$ f(x,y,z)= x+3y^2 -10z$$ Then $$ \nabla f (x,y,z)= \langle 1,6y,-10\rangle $$

and if there is a point given, say $(1,3,5)$, we can evaluate $ \nabla f (1,3,5)= \langle 1,18,-10\rangle.$

This vector points at the direction of maximum increase of our function at $(1,3,5).$

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