[Math] What does the symbol described below mean? (looks like: sideway u with a line through the middle)


The symbol kind of looks like this: ε, but it's more like a sideways u with a line through the middle.

Best Answer

Do you mean $\in$? This means "an element of". For example, if we denote the set of natural numbers by ${\mathbb N}$ then $1 \in {\mathbb N}$. Similarly, $1,2,3, \ldots \in {\mathbb N}$, and $ - 1 \notin {\mathbb N}$. Sometimes you might also see $\ni$, which some authors use for "such that". You might also be referring to $\epsilon$, which is the same as $\varepsilon $, or perhaps you mean $\not\subset$, which usually means "not a subset of".