[Math] What does the magnitude and direction of a larger vector projected onto a smaller vector depend on


I'm trying to solve these questions:

Given $v = [3, -6, 2]$ and $w = [-1, 6, 5]$, find;

  1. $v \downarrow w$
  2. $w \downarrow v$
  3. What does the magnitude of $w \downarrow v$ depend on?
  4. What does the direction of $w \downarrow v$ depend on?

I already figured out the answer to 1 and 2, since they are pretty straightforward. But I don't really know the answer to 3 and 4.

Best Answer

When one speaks of projecting $\vec a$ onto $\vec b$ (I will write $p_{\vec b}(\vec a)$), I think it is understood that you really mean "the projection of $\vec a$ in the direction of $\vec b$", that, is $\vec b$ is only used to get a direction, and its (nonzero) magnitude is irrelevant.

The direction of $p_{\vec b}(\vec a)$ depends only the direction of $\vec b$ (in fact, it is the direction of $\vec b$).

The magnitude of $p_{\vec b}(\vec a)$ depends on the relative direction of $\vec a$ with respect to $\vec b$ (said differently, the angle between $\vec a$ and $\vec b$) as well as the magnitude of $\vec a$.

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