Calculus – Meaning of Gradient with Respect to a Position Vector

calculusmathematical physicsvector analysisvectors

I was studying John R. Taylor's book on Classical Mechanics and he introduced a confusing concept in page 140 (2005 edition):

$$\nabla_1 = (\frac{\partial}{\partial x_1}+\frac{\partial}{\partial y_1}+\frac{\partial}{\partial z_1})$$


$$\mathbf r_1 = (x_1+y_1+z_1)$$

He calls this "the gradient with respect to the coordinates of $\mathbf r_1$". In general, what is the gradient with respect to a position vector? Isn't the gradient (in physics) just dependent on where we sit our x-axis and our y-axis? In other words, I've always known the gradient as:

$$\nabla = (\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial}{\partial z})$$

(If context gives a clue, he was talking about the gradient of a potential $U$ in an isolated, two body system where the positions of the two particles are $\mathbf r_1$ and $\mathbf r_2$, and the claim is that the force on particle 1 due to particle 2 $\mathbf F_1 = -\nabla_1U(\mathbf r_1-\mathbf r_2)$. The same would apply for particle 2 interchanging 1 with 2 in the last formula.)

Best Answer

Your formula for gradient works for a function that depends on position $(x,y,z)$. But, position of what? In this situation, there are two particles, each with its own $(x,y,z)$, so your formula doesn't make sense.

The potential $U$ depends on the positions of both particles. $\nabla_1$ just means he's keeping the second particle fixed, to take the derivative with respect to the first particle's position. It's a form of "partial derivative". (I haven't read the book, though.)

A directional derivative is a scalar, but this gradient is a vector (as any force must be).

The force equation is saying that the first particle accelerates in the direction that would decrease the potential energy of the system.

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